Mission and vision


Empowering women and raising awareness among institutions and the public about sexual violence and sexual rights, through education, research, lobbying and public work. We provide direct and indirect assistance and support to victims of sexual violence.


A society free from patriarchy, discrimination, misogyny and gender-based violence, in which individual determinations are the basic values.


  • Active advocacy for advancement of gender equality through feminist policy, principles and values;
  • Empowerment of women in active seeking and protection of fundamental women’s human rights;
  • Empowerment of children and youth in combating sex, gender and sexual discrimination;
  • Active work on preventing and combating all forms of violence against women, including family violence, sexual violence and trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, provision of assistance and support to victims, development of mechanisms and public policies for combating these forms of violence as well as systematic monitoring of these mechanisms and public policies in practice;
  • Active work on combating violence in family and sexual violence through designing and delivery of programmes for prevention of sexual violence, direct work with victims and development and monitoring of relevant public policies;
  • Direct service provision to survivors of sexual violence through counseling (psychological, medical and legal) and psychotherapy, including preparation for the court procedure, as well as work with survivors’ close ones. 
  • Active work on protection and promotion of the rights of children and youth as well as on prevention of sexual violence against and among children and youth;
  • Education and awareness raising of target groups about gender-based violence. 
  • Promotion and protection of sexual rights in accordance with the Declaration of Sexual Rights (World Association for Sexual Health, 1997; revised 2014;).
  • Active advocacy against discrimination based on sex, gender, gender expression and/or identity, sexual orientation and intersex characteristics; 
  • Empowerment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) community in protection of fundamental human rights; 
  • Advocacy for policy of non-violence and active participation in peace processes.