
The Association SOS help-line invitation to collaborate

This year took a negative turn on women’s fundamental human rights, which is why protecting them is now more urgent than ever.

The Association SOS help-line and film production house Vertigo, Ljubljana produced three short fiction films, based on true events, about intimate partner violence. The short films are directed by Martin Draksler.
In the light of the International days of fight against violence on women, the short films will experience their online international premiere on Wednesday, 2nd of December starting at 6pm CET. They will be released on Facebook page of European Women’s Network against Sexual Violence and on other national and international portals of organisations which defend and fight for women’s fundamental human rights.
Short films about violence will be released at 6PM CET; short film about rape at 7PM CET and about homicide at 8PM CET.

Photo: Urša Premik

#metoo #endviolence #womensrights

More information can be found on the link: SOS_Invitation-to-collaborate