
Round table “Sexual Violence – Need for the Standardization of Practices”

Women’s Room, together with Commission on Gender Equality of the City Assembly of the City of Zagreb organized the round table “Sexual Violence – Need for the Standardization of Practices”. The round table was organized in regards to the International Day against Violence against Women on November 24, 2009 in hotel Sheraton.Participants of the round table were representatives of relevant governmental institutions and civil society organizations.

Apart from defining main problems in the area of combating sexual violence and victims’ protection, discussion revolved around possibilities and the need for standardizing practice of all relevant stakeholders in reporting and processing sexual violence as well as providing assistance and support to victims.

This round table was financially supported by the European Commission, Embassy of Noeway in Croatia and City of Zagreb – Office for Social Protection and Persons with Disabilities.
More information at Women’s Room’s blog.


This nottification hes been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this nottification are the sole responsibility of the Women’s Room and can no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.