
Theater play „Why Me?“ in Zagreb

Women’s Room organized the theater play “Why me?” as a part of the project, which is financially supported by the City of Zagreb – City Office of Education, Culture and Sports. Theater play was organized in KNAP (heatre on Pešćenica) on December 12 and we performed in front of a full theater.

We would like to thank 13th Gymnasium, all teachers and pupils for your interest and support!

Also, we would like to thank again the theater group Minimalists and its members: Ana Pavlović, Marta Dugandžić, Valentina Lončarić, Luka Žučko, Robert Budak, Tomislav Brodarić and coordinator of the theater group, Ana Đordić!

Despite the fact that we are done with performances for this year – we will continue with the same energy in the next year!